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How to become a WBS representative
If you are interested in becoming a WBS representative and recruiting international students for WBS, please, send us an e-mail to the following address based on the region of the student:
Name | Position
| Email Address
| Region In-Charge
Mr. Imre Nagy
| Senior Officer for International Recruitment
| so.intnl.recruitment@wsuf.hu
| Russia, Centre Asia (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Europe
Mr. Abdul Razzak | International Admission Coordinator | abdul.razzak@wsuf.hu | UAE, West Africa and Centre Africa, India, Middle-east country |
Mr. Momin Amin
| International Admission Coordinator
| momin.amin@wsuf.hu
| Bangladesh, Sri Lanka |
Ms. Zsuzsi Cseh | International and Local Admission Coordinator | zsuzsi.cseh@wsuf.hu | Hungary, Pakistan, South-eastern Asia, Nepal, Europe |
Ms. Sziszi Yang
| International and Local Admission Coordinator | sziszi.yang@wsuf.hu | China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Turkey, Iran, East Africa and North Africa |
In your e-mail, please, provide your contact details, and a short description of your activities and relevant experience.
Soon afterwards, a colleague from the International Department will contact you and will guide you to the conclusion of an Agency contract between you and WBS.